Re-accredited by NAAC at A Grade with CGPA 3.25, Third Cycle (2024-29) & Accredited by SAAC at A+ Grade with CGPA 3.39 (2021-26)
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Criteria 1

Metric ID
Document name Document
1. List of persons who participated in the process of in house curriculum planning 

2.   Meeting notice and minutes of the meeting for in house curriculum planning 
3.  A copy of the programme of action for in house curriculum planned and adopted during the last completed for the year 2022-23.

URL to the page on website where the PLOs and CLOs are listed
Programme outcomes  

Prospectus for the last completed academic year

Report and photographs with caption and date of student induction programme

Report and photographs with caption and date of teacher orientation programmes for the year 2022 23

Letter head
1. Circular/document of the University showing duly approved list of optional /electives / pedagogy courses in the curriculum.

2.  Academic calendar showing time allotted for optional /electives/pedagogy courses for the year 2018-19,2019-20,2021 22,2022-23

Brochure and Course  Content along with CLOs of Value added courses for the year 2018-19,2019-20,2021-22,2022 23.

1. List of the students enrolled in the value added course as defined in 1.2.2

2. Course completion certificates for the year 2018- 19,2019-20,2020-21,2021 22,2022-23.  

Relevant documents highlighting the institutional facilities provided to the students to avail self study courses as per Data Template

Document showing teachers’ mentoring and assistance to students to avail of self-study courses for the year 2018 19,2019-20,2020-21,2021 22,2022-23.
Letter head
1.2.5 Certificates/ evidences for completing the self-study course(s)
List of the students enrolled and completed in the self study course for the year 2018-19,2019-20,2020 21,2021-22,2022-23
Letter head
1.4.1 Sample filled-in feedback forms of the stake holders for the year 2022-23.
1.4.2 1. Stakeholder feedback analysis report with seal and signature of the Principal

2.  Action taken report of the institution with seal and signature of the Principal for the year 2022-23.