Re-accredited by NAAC at A Grade with CGPA 3.25, Third Cycle (2024-29) & Accredited by SAAC at A+ Grade with CGPA 3.39 (2021-26)
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Institutional Plan on Research of Farook Training College, Farook College, Kozhikode

Vision: To be a leading research centre in teacher education and related fields, producing high-quality research that contributes to the knowledge base and makes a positive impact on society.

Mission: To provide an enabling environment for research scholars to pursue their research interests, and to facilitate the dissemination and utilization of research findings.


  • To increase the number of research scholars and research guides at the institution.
  • To promote high-quality research in teacher education and related fields.
  • To develop and strengthen research infrastructure.
  • To attract external funding for research projects.
  • To improve the quality of research output by encouraging rigorous research and publication in high-impact journals.
  • To promote interdisciplinary research and collaboration with other institutions.
  • To disseminate research findings through publications, presentations, and other outreach activities.
  • To engage with the community through research-based interventions and programs.


  • To provide financial assistance to the needy research scholars through college Edu-support schemes.
  • To organize regular workshops and seminars on research methodology and data analysis.
  • To encourage faculty members to undertake research projects funded by government and other agencies.
  • Identify and apply for relevant research funding opportunities.
  • Develop partnerships with government agencies, industry, and other organizations to support research.
  • To support the publication of research findings in peer-reviewed journals and books.
  • To promote interdisciplinary research and collaboration with other institutions through research memoranda of understanding (MoUs).
  • To organize outreach and extension programs to disseminate research findings to the community.
  • Awareness workshops on research methodology and research funding opportunities.
  • Provide seed funding for students and faculty to initiate research projects.

Strengthen research infrastructure:

Develop a research library with a wide range of resources, including books, journals, and electronic databases.

Provide easy access to university and our sister institute research facilities and equipment.


Create a research culture that promotes collaboration and interdisciplinary research. Research conducted by the institution should be relevant to the needs of the community and the nation. It should also be aligned with the institution's mission and vision.

Promote research among students and community. Research conducted by the institution should have a positive impact on society. This means that it should be disseminated to the public and used to inform policy and practice.

Research conducted by the institution must be of the highest academic rigor. This means that it must be based on sound theoretical and methodological foundations, and that it must be conducted in a systematic and ethical manner.

In addition to the above, the following specific initiatives can be taken to strengthen research:

Develop a mentorship program for research scholars: This program would pair research scholars with experienced faculty members who can provide them with guidance and support. The mentorship program would help research scholars to develop their research skills and to successfully complete their research projects.

Organize workshops and seminars on research topics: These workshops and seminars would provide research scholars and faculty members with an opportunity to learn about the latest research trends and methodologies. They would also provide a platform for research scholars to present their work and to receive feedback from other experts.

Endeavours in Education

Endeavours in Education is a peer reviewed journal on Education, Published by the college. Currently publishing biannually. Increasing the frequency of publication to quarterly would make it timelier and more relevant to the field of education. Online version of the journal is to be released with an e-ISSN.

The editorial board of Endeavours in Education should be expanded to include scholars from a wider range of disciplines. This would help to ensure that the journal publishes research on a broad range of topics in education.

Endeavours in Education should be indexed in more international databases and journals. This would make it more visible to scholars around the world and increase its impact.

Research Extension Activities for Community Heightening [REACH Project}

The REACH project should develop a comprehensive plan for disseminating and extending its research output to the community and national development. This plan should include a mix of strategies, such as workshops, seminars, publications, and social media.

The REACH project should partner with community organizations to disseminate and extend its research output. This would help to ensure that the project's findings are used to address real-world problems and needs.

The REACH project should develop a performance tracking system to measure its impact on the community and national development. This would help to ensure that the project is effective and that its resources are being used efficiently.

Bird Eye View

Bird Eye View is a newsletter released by the research scholars. Increasing the frequency of publication to monthly or bimonthly would make it timelier and more relevant to the research community.

Bird Eye View should expand its scope to include more articles on a wider range of research topics. This would make it more appealing to a wider audience of researchers.

Bird Eye View should be redesigned to make it more visually appealing and easier to read. This would make it more likely that researchers will read and engage with the newsletter.

Research Scholars Association

The Research Scholars Association should make an effort to increase its active membership base. This could be done by reaching out to vibrant and enthusiastic research scholars and by organizing events and activities that are appealing to a wide range of research interests.

The Research Scholars Association should provide more support and resources to its members. This could include providing access to research funding, mentorship opportunities, and professional development workshops.

The Research Scholars Association should promote its activities more widely to the research community. This could be done by creating a website and social media presence, and by distributing flyers and posters at research events.

Action Plan:

Phase 1:

Conduct a survey of students and faculty to identify their research interests.

Organize a workshop on research methodology for students and faculty.

Establish a research committee to oversee the implementation of the institutional research plan.

Develop a database of research scholars and their research projects.

Phase 2:

Provide seed funding to 5 faculty members to initiate research projects.

Organize a national seminar on research on Revival of Education in India.

Modify the existing style of Endeavors in Education, a peer reviewed research journal to publish the work of research scholars and faculty members in Education.

Phase 3:

Attract external funding for at least 5 research projects.

Establish a research laboratory with state-of-the-art facilities.

Organize a workshop on research dissemination and utilization.

Phase 4:

Increase the number of research scholars to 75 and research guides to 20.

Publish 20 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and 2 books.

Collaborate with other institutions to implement research findings in schools and other educational settings.

Financial Assistance

The College is committed to supporting research and innovation. However, the College currently does not provide any incentives or fellowships other than those provided by UGC or other national or state funded agencies. The College also does not provide any incentives to scholars at affiliated institutions.

The College Research Committee through the University Academic Council member of our college has strongly argued to the university to implement a policy to provide incentives and support for research scholars at affiliated institutions. The College Academic Council has also recommended that the university provide seed money funding for research projects.

At present, the College does not provide any seed money projects to students or faculty. However, the College does help financially poor research scholars through the edu-support project.

We are bothered that a. the College should continue to advocate for more funding from the university and from external sources for research and innovation.

b. The College should develop a system for allocating internal funding to seed money projects and fellowships.

c. The College should explore ways to partner with businesses and other organizations to provide funding for research.

d. The College should provide training and support to research scholars on how to write grant proposals.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

The progress of the institutional research plan will be monitored and evaluated by the research committee on an annual basis. The committee will submit a report to the principal of the college, who will review the report and make necessary recommendations.


This institutional research plan outlines the strategies and action plans for Farook Training College, Farook College, Kozhikode to become a leading research centre in teacher education and related fields. The plan is based on the vision and mission of the institution to provide an enabling environment for research scholars to pursue their research interests, and to facilitate the dissemination and utilization of research findings. The successful implementation of this plan will help the institution to achieve its goal of becoming a leading centre of excellence in research and teacher education.