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Endeavours in Education

ISSN 0976 – 4275

Endeavours in Education  is the Research Journal of Farook Training College published bi-annually in January and July. Original unpublished research articles in English are welcome for consideration for publication.

Farook Training College has always been agile in augmenting the plethora of synchronic and diachronic advancements in the discipline Education. Endeavours in Education, the envoy of the vision and mission of the exemplar teacher education research centre, has been an exciter in the activity network diagram for communication, development and creation of knowledge. The embryonic thoughts, proposals, experiences and reviews unfold proactively and effectuate the envisaged educational outcomes of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes.

Guidelines to Contributors

1.     Papers must be typed in double spacing with wide margins. All sheets must be numbered.

2.     Papers should be as short as consistent with clear presentation of subject matter. Papers should normally be not more than 

        5000 words.

3.     Articles should belong to one of the categories of:

            o    Research report

            o    Policy perspectives

            o    Issues to be addressed

            o    Book Review

            o    Tools Developed

            o    Interdisciplinary

4.     Research articles have to be in the preferred format with:

            o    Title of the article (centralized)

            o    Author(s) name with asterisks

            o    Author(s) affiliation as foot note on page 1(Italicized)

            o    Abstract (150 to 200 words)

            o    Key Words

            o    Introduction

            o    Literature Review

            o    Objectives

            o    Hypotheses (If any)

            o    Methodology

            o    Analysis and Findings

            o    Conclusions

            o    Acknowledgements (sponsors/ideational support) (Optional )

            o    References (quoted in the article).

   5. An undertaking of the author to the effect that the article has not been published earlier and that it is not presently under 

        consideration by a publisher should be produced along with the article.

Editorial Address

Chief Editor : Dr. T. Mohamed Saleem
Editor : Dr. Rishad Kolothumthodi

The Editor,

Endeavours in Education,

Farook Training College,

Farook College P.O.Kozhikode,

Kerala, India.-673632

Ph: 04952440662, Fax:04952443219

Mobile : 9946197560

Email :

Endeavours in Education

Endeavours in Education 

July 2020 Volume 11, Issue 2