Re-accredited by NAAC at A Grade with CGPA 3.25, Third Cycle (2024-29) & Accredited by SAAC at A+ Grade with CGPA 3.39 (2021-26)
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Criteria 7

Metric ID Document Name Document
1. Documentary evidence in support of each selected response.

2. Geo-tagged photographs.

3. Income Expenditure statement highlighting the specific components for the year 2022 23

1. Income Expenditure statement highlighting the specific components.

2.   Documentary evidence in support of the claim.

3. Geo-tagged photographs for the year 2022-23.

Videos / Geo-tagged photographs related to Green Practices adopted by the institution

Circulars and relevant policy papers for the claims made

Snap shots and documents related to exclusive software packages used for paperless office

Income Expenditure statement highlighting the specific components for the year 2022 23

Letter head
7.1.7 Income Expenditure statement on green initiatives, energy and waste management for the year 2018-19,2019 20,2020-21,2021-22,2022-23.
7.1.9 Copy of the Code of Conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff of Institution / Affiliating University
Web-Link to the Code of Conduct displayed on the institution’s website Code of conduct 
Reports / minutes of the periodic programmes to appraise adherence to the Code of Conduct
Details of the Monitoring Committee, Professional ethics programmes, if any for the year 2022-23.
Letter head