Re-accredited by NAAC at A Grade with CGPA 3.25, Third Cycle (2024-29) & Accredited by SAAC at A+ Grade with CGPA 3.39 (2021-26)
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Criteria 6

Metric ID Document Name Document
1. Screen shots of user interfaces of each module.

2. Annual e-governance report.

3. Geo-tagged photographs for the year 2022 23.

Institutional Policy document on providing financial support to teachers Provide E copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers

E copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers

Certificate of participation for the claim

Certificate of membership

Income Expenditure statement highlighting the financial support to teachers for the year 2018 19,2019-20,2020-21,2021 22,2022-23.

Letter head
Brochures / Reports along with Photographs with date and caption.

List of participants of each programme for the year 2018-19,2019 20,2020-21,2021-22,2022-23.

Letter head
Copy of the Course completion certificates for the year 2018-19,2019-20,2020 21,2021-22,2022-23.

1. Income Expenditure statements highlighting the relevant items with seal and signature of both the Chartered Accountant / Principal.

2. Copy of letter from the NGO / Individual / Philanthropists stating the Fund / Donation given for the year 2018-19,2019 20,2020-21,2021-22,2022-23.

Report of the work done by IQAC or other quality mechanisms

List of quality initiatives undertaken by IQAC / other quality mechanism signed by the Principal for the year 2018-19,2019-20,2020 21,2021-22,2022-23.
Letter head
6.5.4 Link to the minutes of the meeting of IQAC Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) | Farook Training College
Link to Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQAR) of IQAC Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) | Farook Training College
Consolidated report of Academic Administrative Audit (AAA)
e-Copies of the accreditations and certifications
Supporting document of participation in NIRF
Feedback analysis report for the year 2018-19,2019-20,2020 21,2021-22,2022-23.
Letter head